2022 Taipei International Health Expo

StarBIA exhibited the "2022 Taipei International Health Expo" to provide the latest long-term care devices with actual reference data for the health care of the middle-aged and elderly adults.


At the exhibition, StarBIA launched its flagship product, the Starbia201 Body Composition Analyzer. The device not only can provides measuring data, but also can estimate bone mineral density, lean mass of the legs, and appendiuclar lean mass by dual-frequency technology.

(Photos of exhibitors and visitors)

StarBIA has developed the first portable body fat monitor of the world that can estimate bone mineral density; meanwhile, StarBIA has developed a novel body composition data integration system, which can align body composition data from STARBIA 201 to profressional devices (e.g. STARBIA 701) throght the STARBIA's server. Since the data from different sources has been integrated into a dingle dataset, our users can keep sending their data to the server, and obtain consistent data for comparision.


(Photos of visitors from NCHU Innovation Center)

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